Warning Signs that You Need Heating Repair [infographic]

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There are few things worse than having your furnace quit on you in the middle of winter. We at Hodge Heating & Air Conditioning of Lake Norman know this from experience, and we want to help you and your family avoid having to find out for yourselves. Most serious furnace problems result from smaller issues that went unaddressed for too long. To help you prevent minor issues from growing into major ones, our team has put together a list of warning signs that you need heating repair.

calls for professional heating repair or even a replacement part

  • Odd Noises- Over the years, you’ve probably become familiar with how your furnace sounds when it’s running. If you start to hear noises that fall outside that usual pattern, you could be due for some heating repairs. A high-pitched squealing sound, for instance, indicates a problem with your blower belt, while a scraping sound indicates worn-out ball bearings–in the second case, turn off your furnace immediately and call our team at Hodge Heating & Air Conditioning of Lake Norman to prevent further damage.
  • Frequent Cycling- If your furnace starts cycling from on to off more frequently than usual, it’s likely that you need heating repair. These frequent hot and cold cycles could be an indication of a number of problems, including clogged filters, faulty airflow, or a malfunctioning thermostat.
  • Won’t Stop Blowing- In contrast to the problem above, sometimes the issue is that your furnace never stops blowing. If you notice this in your home, it’s likely that you have a problem with your limit switch, which calls for professional heating repair or even a replacement part.

Warning Signs that You Need Heating Repair [infographic]

If you notice any of these signs in your home or want more information on what to look for to spot potential heating problems, call our team at Hodge Heating & Air Conditioning of Lake Norman.